Welcome To Government Senior Secondary School
Fee Structure
  • fees of govt. sss_bandha
  • tution fee -  Class 9th to 12th (Yearly)
  • For OBC -
  • For SC-
  • For ST-
  • admission fee -0
  • development fee -Class 1st to 5th (Yearly) 100/-Rs.per student.
  • development fee -Class 6th to 8th (Yearly) 200/-Rs.per student.
  • development fee -Class 9th to 12th (Yearly) 300/-Rs.per student.
  • SUPW Fee- Class 9th to 12th (Yearly) 50/-Rs.per student.
  • Student group insurance- Class 9th to 12th (Yearly) For Girls 5/-Rs.per student and For Boys 10/- Rs.

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